Hello, I’m Melissa Kolb.
My Goal For This Website: to educate and encourage you and your family to read, write, illustrate, and self-publish your own stories. It brings such enrichment, bonding, and maybe a little frustration at times, too. But when you cheer each other on and celebrate the successes together, you make the most meaningful and lasting memories.
Today, skip the math lesson. Write a story instead!
Story Ideas From Everyday Life
By self-publishing the tales our children think up, we give them a boost in their creativity, their confidence, and ignite a lifelong love for writing and creating. The best ideas usually come from what is most familiar. That’s why the best advice I can give to get your kiddos writing is to use what is familiar. Do you have pets? Maybe your pets can talk when no one notices. That could be the beginning of a really funny story. You get the idea.
Simplicity Over Perfection
In a world where perfection often takes precedence and kills creativity, my focus is not on creating flawless, polished manuscripts, but rather on capturing the essence of my child’s imagination in its purest form.
Use Self-Publishing As a Language Arts Curriculum
Writing stories nurtures essential language skills, sparks imagination, and fosters a deeper understanding of narrative structure. Some of my future posts will delve into creative ways to make storytelling a cornerstone of your homeschooling journey.
Make It a Family Project
Self-publishing shouldn’t be an intimidating, complex process. Instead, it should be a fun and rewarding journey for the entire family. Ahem, Mama, that includes you! Publish your own work right alongside of your kiddos. What a fun experience it will be as you make mistakes and celebrate your successes together. What an amazing gift you can pass down to your grandkids one day, too!